Facial Mask

Benefits of the facial mask:
• Tighten Pores
• Remove excess oil from the skin
• Moisturize and replenish dry skin instantly
• Improve the fatigue level of the skin
• Rough & Dark skin becomes tender
• Anti-Wrinkle
• Nourishing & whitening

10 pieces per box
Member price: RM100
Customer Price:RM120
MP: 50PV
Q Serum

Specially designed formula of concentrated herbal collagen helps replenish what time have taken away. It can help skin’s natural elasticity for a visibly smoother, firmer appearance. It is a unique natural formula made from plant extracts and collagen.
Formula Khas yang direka daripada pekatan herba kolagen yang boleh mengembalikan keremajaan.Formula ini boleh membantu kekenyalan kulit semulajadi untuk mengekalkan kulit supaya kelihatan licin dan kenyal. 

Member price: RM200
Customer Price: RM240
MP: 100PV
Onsen Spring Bar

Onsen Spring Bar brings you the most natural and relaxing way of enjoying flawless beauty through the amazing healing properties of Onsen Volcanic Mud, with Camomile, papaya extract, Goat’s Milk and vitamins E and B5 for moisturizing, skin-softening, anti-aging and immune protective properties.
Onsen Spring Bar mengembalikan kecantikan semulajadi anda melalui ciri-ciri penyembuhan dari Volkanik Mud daripada Jepun, digabungkan dengan ekstrak botani termasuk Camomile, ekstrak betik, Susu Kambing, vitamin E dan B5 untuk melembabkan, melembutkan kulit, anti-penuaan dan kekebalan protektif Immuno. 
4 X 25 grams
Member price: RM200
Customer Price: RM240
MP: 100PV

Beauty Set

Toner 15ml
An Alcohol free toner enriched with Aloe Vera extract gently cleanses tones, refines and cleans clogged skin pores easily, absorb by the epidermis, witch hazel extract helps to return the skin to a normal pH after cleansing and leaving skin firmer without causing dryness and irritation.
Suatu toner tanpa Alkohol diperkaya dengan ekstrak Aloe Vera membersihkan, memurnikan dan membersihkan kulit pori-pori tersumbat mudah, menyerap oleh epidermis, ekstrak witch hazel membantu untuk kembali kulit ke pH normal setelah membersihkan dan meninggalkan kulit yang lebih kencang tanpa menyebabkan kekeringan dan iritasi.

Hydrating Treatment Moisturizer 15ml
Adamaya Moisturizer, it smooth non greasy moisturizing lotionwith Mannitol, Sodium Gluconate, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Waltheria Indica Extract,Dextrin, Ferulic Acid formulated to help to reduce the formation of melanin to lighten skin and improve complexion to a new glowing skin.
Adamaya Moisturizer, sesuatu lotion yang berminyak dengan pelembab dan menthol, Sodium glukonat, Asam Sitrat, Natrium Sitrat, Waltheria Indica Extract, dekstrin, Asam ferulat diformulasikan untuk membantu mengurangkan pembentukan melanin untuk meringankan kulit dan meningkatkan corak ke kulit bercahaya baru

Pearl Cream 5 grams
Made from excellent plants extracts, vitamins, and nutrition, adamaya Pearl Cream offers excellent whitening effects, makes skin softer and smoother. Incorporate with UV protection to shielding skin from outside aggression and preventing the development of wrinkles and spots.
Diperbuat daripada ekstrak tumbuhan terbaik, vitamin, dan gizi, adamaya Pearl Cream menawarkan kesan peluntur, membuat kulit lebih lembut dan halus. Dengan perlindungan UV untuk melindungi kulit dari pencerobohan luar dan mencegah perkembangan keriput dan noda. 
Onsen Spring Bar 25 grams

Member price: RM200
Customer Price: RM240
MP: 100PV